Monday, June 18, 2007

Why Have Standards For Church Workers? (Part 5)


The workers and teachers represent the congregation in the eyes of the church members and the community. The church as a whole will be judged by the lives of its workers. If the community observes Sunday School teachers and youth workers from the church dressed immodestly or involved in ungodly activities, it will assume that the church accepts this. And in one sense they are correct. Even though many times the community will see nothing wrong with these low standards, seeing that more than likely, their standards may be even lower; the church's reputation is stained. If the world doesn't recognize this, other sound Baptist churches will. Oh yes, the Lord recognizes it too. If a pastor does not maintain definite and high standards for all of the church workers, he is sending the message that these matters are not important. Hence, the community hears that message loud and clear, and the testimony of that church is hurt. Of course, these things are often done without the pastor's knowledge and against his will. Members need to respect the pastor's position on standards and follow his leadership, because "they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you." (Hebrews 13:17b)