Many people, both saved and unsaved, fall into the error that feelings and emotional experiences are to be sought after. They think they can know and experience God on the basis of human emotional and aesthetic experiences. Such people sometimes leave out the Word of God as a source of truth and use experience as a basis of their doctrine and teaching. In this way, Satan can enter in and give experiences of an emotional nature totally contrary to what the Word of God teaches.
This is a very dangerous thing, for then what people believe is tied to their vacillating emotions and colored by their personal bias. These emotions and biases may be instigated by Satan and his demons. Many hold to the doctrine of speaking in tongues, visions, and dreams as a means to gain experiences with God.
There is no need for visions -- Colossians 2:18-23.
There is no need for new revelation -- Colossians 2:8; Rev. 22:18,19
There is no need for emotional experiences to try and gain new truth.
Doctrine is never based upon human experience in life, but upon the sure Word of God.
Human Reason Is Incapable
God’s thoughts are higher than man’s thoughts -- Isaiah 55:7-9
Unsaved man cannot think “right” -- I Corinthians 2:14; Ephesians 4:17-18
Unsaved man’s wisdom is faulty -- II Timothy 3:7; James 3:14; I Cor. 1:18-25
Paul never trusted human wisdom -- I Corinthians 2:1-5
Man has tended to deify reason, science, and education. In doing so they have rejected the divine revelation of the Bible. Faith is not an unreasonable thing. It is the highest logic to accept and believe the Bible.
How pitiful is the world that is deluded into the belief that human reason is sufficient for all things. Much of the doctrine of churches today is based upon nothing but human experience, tradition, whatever is culturally relevant or acceptable to the masses, rather than the “thus saith the Lord.” (Colossians 2:6-10)