Practical lessons of pertinent value from the prophet Samuel:
1. What a work one man can do when God controls and directs him!
2. Personal piety can never be a substitute for parental discipline (Eli).
3. It is good to listen for the voice of God (1 Sam 3) - God's Word.
4. It is just as essential to answer when He calls.
5. Obedience is better than sacrifice - but don't forget to sacrifice.
6. The value of early godly training in a godly home.
7. The happy state of the man who has lived a life above reproach.
8. God is never satisfied with partial obedience.
9. A true servant of God may be called upon to train a younger man who will overshadow him in the estimation of people.
10. It is not necessary for one to withdraw from political life in order to exert spiritual leadership.
11. Compromise with evil is expensive and deadly.
12. God can only use men who are willing to be used and only so far as they will let Him use them.
13. A child has no trouble learning the voice of God when he has been conceived in prayer and reared in the house of God.
Insights from Moses continued:
10. Confidence and power come through experience and victory.
11. We are hardened for hardships by hard work.
12. The value of patience and perseverance.
13. Unbelief in God's appointed leader brings reproach on God.
14. We see ourselves as God sees us only after time spent alone with Him.
15. When God commands us to go forward He will lead the way.
16. Unselfishness is one of the chief marks of a great man (Deut. 9:18-20, 25-29).
17. A successful leader must love his people so much that he is willing to die for them.
18. God may take many years to prepare His chosen leader for a great task.
19. The importance of keeping alive the hope that "the bush will burn" for us. A great experience may be only a short way ahead.
It has been a while since I've posted on the PBI blog. However, a study of some of the Old Testament prophets has yielded some practical insights that I would like to begin sharing.
In order to fully grasp some of these insights, it would be helpful to overview the books which pertain to the prophets under consideration. Warren Weirsbe's concise commentaries would be an excellent source to gain this overview. Of course, your King James Bible would be the best source of information. I hope these insights will be as much of a blessing to you as they have been to me.
1. The value of early religious training in the home (Ex. 2:7-10; Deut. 6:6-9; Ecc. 12:1).
2. Necessary qualifications for leadership.
3. The futility of trying to run ahead of God (Ex. 2:11-15).
4. The extraordinary power of intercessory prayer (Ex. 32:9-14, 31, 32; 34:9; Num. 11:2; 12:13; 14:11-24; Deut. 9:12-20, 25-30).
5. Excuses anger God (Ex. 4:13, 14).
6. Men whom God places in positions of authority are held to a strict account.
7. A heavenly light shines through the face of one who has been alone with God.
8. The penalty for disobedience and loss of temper is severe (Num. 20:12; 27:14).
9. When God calls a man He proceeds to qualify him.
(to be continued)