Insights from Moses continued:
10. Confidence and power come through experience and victory.
11. We are hardened for hardships by hard work.
12. The value of patience and perseverance.
13. Unbelief in God's appointed leader brings reproach on God.
14. We see ourselves as God sees us only after time spent alone with Him.
15. When God commands us to go forward He will lead the way.
16. Unselfishness is one of the chief marks of a great man (Deut. 9:18-20, 25-29).
17. A successful leader must love his people so much that he is willing to die for them.
18. God may take many years to prepare His chosen leader for a great task.
19. The importance of keeping alive the hope that "the bush will burn" for us. A great experience may be only a short way ahead.