Regardless of what some people claim, leaders are made, not born. Gifted individuals must have training, hands-on experience, and good role models if they are ever going to realize their leadership potential. Joshua got it all.
He had led the attack on the Amalekites. He had accompanied Moses (at least halfway up the mountain) when God issued the Law on Mount Sinai. He had been at the tent of meeting when God spoke to Moses face-to-face. He had been one of the twelve men sent to spy out the land of Canaan. All in all, his was an impressive resume.
But perhaps the most valuable aspect of Joshua's leadership preparation was the privilege he had of observing Moses in action. As his personal aide, he got to watch him deal with jealous and rebellious and stubborn people. He saw how Moses handled national crises and smaller administrative nightmares. Most important of all, Joshua got an insider's look at Moses' intimate relationship with God.
In fact, the Bible frequently features this kind of leadership mentoring program. Elisha had Elijah. The disciples had Jesus. Timothy had Paul. Do you have an older, wiser role model to whom you can look? That is how the Lord situates people in His churches; to provide a model to follow in order for the next generation to successfully carry out the Lord's will. Follow the Moses God has placed in your church. Then ask God to help you become a Joshua.
Before one can be a leader, one has to be a follower. Spiritual leadership is God-given.