Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Different By Divine Design

The Christian life is to be a condition of the heart that shows up in a lifestyle. Throughout Scripture, God commands us to keep a right heart with Him and to live a lifestyle that pleases Him. Yet, many Christians today seem to believe, “God doesn’t care what I do, so long as my heart is right on the inside!”

God desires for His children to have a biblical lifestyle. I challenge other Christians not to separate “who you are” from “how you behave.” If Christ has truly changed us on the inside, we should live very differently from the world and from today’s “pop-culture.” We are to “walk worthy” —to live in a way that outwardly honors the Lord —to allow our relationship with Christ to flow into every act, every word, every thought, every deed, and every attitude of life.

“Have it your way” Christianity is empty, frustrating, self-centered, fruitless, and pointless. God teaches us in His Word that we are to be different — by His design! A godly life is a different life, and God’s way of living is still the best way!