The increased mockery toward the name of Jesus Christ, although disheartening, should not come as a surprise to the believer. In fact, Jude 18 warns us that in the last times there will be mockers who walk after their own ungodly lusts. How far we have come from the Biblical authority on which our nation was founded!
Through almost every media outlet, the teachings of the Bible are belittled or misconstrued. The Christian faith has been the center for countless comedy sketches, yet we are the ones labeled “intolerant” because we hold to the literal interpretation of the Word of God.
So, the question arises: how can we make the difference God has called us to make in this troubled world?
Biblical Convictions Make a Difference
In the beginning verses of Jude, we are instructed to build up our faith because there are others who are trying to tear it down. Although unpopular, it is vital that as Christians we stand firm on our faith. It has been said, “The men and women who have moved the world have been the men and women the world could not move.”
Biblical Consecration Makes a Difference
We first make a difference by what we believe. Once we believe what is right, we can then make a difference by how we behave. Our behavior should be distinctly different than the behavior of the world. Second Corinthians 6:17 instructs us with these words, “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.” May we always remember that God desires for His children to remain unspotted from the world. In order to make a difference, we must be different. Someone has noted, “The greatest challenge facing the American Christians is not persecution by the world, but seduction from the world.”
Biblical Compassion Makes a Difference
The theme verse for our current series, "Making A Difference", is Jude 22 which says, “And of some have compassion, making a difference.” As we go through each day, we must remember the multitudes of people who have been blinded by the world’s philosophy. Where all other factors may fail, our biblical compassion can make a difference in their lives.
More than ever, after 15 years of pastoring, I am thrilled with the opportunity that God has given His people to make a difference. May we anticipate what He will do in and through our lives at FRMBC!