Thursday, April 19, 2007

Humanism Defined

Humanism Defined

Humanism's godless teachings are as follows:

1. Evolution: Man gradually emerged by chance from lower forms of life over millions of years.

2. Self Authority (Individual Autonomy): Man is his own authority and is not accountable to any higher power. This "self sufficiency" generates self-interest, self-gratification, self-indulgence, and self-righteousness.

3. Situation Ethics: There are no absolute rules by which to live. Thus, man is the final authority for his actions, based on existing circumstances.

4. Distorted Realism: All should be exposed to diverse "realistic" viewpoints, including emphasis on profanity, immorality, and perversions as acceptable modes of "self-expression." In practice this includes children of any age.

5. Sexual Permissiveness: All forms of sexual expression are acceptable. Public sex education is considered necessary provided it is taught without Christian morals.

6. Anti-Biblical Bias: Man creates God out of his own experiences.

7. Anti-Free Enterprise: Government ownership or control of the economy would replace private ownership of property and the free market economy. This economic "collectivism" is known as "Big Brother Government," "Cradle-to-Grave" welfare, or outright socialism.

8. One-World Government: "Global citizenship" would replace national self-determination.

9. Death Education: There is no hope of existence beyond the grave–no heaven or hell. Euthanasia and suicide are endorsed.

All nine of these points are in direct opposition to what the Word of God teaches. God's people must be aware of these beliefs and how they contradict Scripture. The world wants our children, and they will appeal to the sinful nature to draw well meaning people away from God. It is so important that God's people be activily involved in a true New Testament Baptist church that teaches God's Word as it is to people as they are, and to train Christians how to combat the Humanism that so pervades our society.