Thursday, April 12, 2007

Guide for Overcoming Anxiety

You can be peaceful.—Philippians 4:6-9

1. Study the following verses and then write down everything they indicate about anxiety or worry. (Remember that the words "care" and "careful" are often synonyms for worry.)
Luke 10:38-42; Proverbs 28:1; Ezekiel 4:16, 17; Luke 8:14; Luke 21:34; Proverbs 15:15; Psalm 38:6; Genesis 45:3; I Samuel 28:20-23; II Thessalonians 1:7; Psalm 77:4, 8, 9.

2. If you did not do this when you studied the previously mentioned verses, go back over them and write down the effects of anxiety on the person who worries (e.g., the anxious person often becomes critical, a complainer, jealous, or envious, depressed, fearful, timid, insecure, etc.).

3. Study Philippians 4:6-9 and note God’s threefold program for overcoming worry.

a. Verse 6—To overcome worry God says I must PRAY PROPERLY. Note at least four or five facts about the kind of prayer that overcomes worry.

b. Verse 8—I must THINK PROPERLY. Note the kind of things you must think about if you are to become a peaceful person. Make a specific list of what some of these things are for you. Consider Romans 12:2; I Peter 3:14, 15; and Matthew 6:25-32. Plan specific things you can do to make sure you think properly. How can you change your negative, pessimistic thinking to Biblical thinking?

c. Verse 9—I must LIVE PROPERLY. Consider Proverbs 28:1 and Proverbs 1:33 and notice how anxiety is often connected with wrong living. Notice also the effect of fulfilling your God-given responsibilities. For example, some people are worried about losing their jobs because they are not fulfilling Colossians 3:22-24 or Ephesians 6:5-8. Some people are worried about finances because they are not good stewards of their finances. Look over your life and note where you are not fulfilling your God-given responsibilities. Then plan to make changes and focus on doing what God wants you to do today.

4. Think back over the past two weeks and reflect on those times when you were tempted to be anxious. Write down what you were doing at the time, what was happening, where you were, what you were thinking about, whom you were with, what was the time of day, what you did, what you would have done according to Philippians 4:6-9.

5. If you want to overcome anxiety and become a peaceful person, discipline yourself to put God’s threefold program (Phil. 4:6-9) for overcoming worry into practice, regardless of how you feel. If you are a Christian and do this consistently, you can and will overcome anxiety and become a peaceful person.

6. Write Philippians 4:6-9 out on a card and memorize it. Reflect on it and implement it regularly.